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Supplier Diversity

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It is the policy of Harley-Davidson Inc. (H-D Inc.) that in acquiring goods and services we maintain an environment that promotes, increases, and improves the quality of the overall participation of certified diverse business enterprises.

H-D Inc. is committed to assisting diverse business enterprises in gaining access to business opportunities within the company. H-D Inc. will also assist in developing and strengthening diverse businesses enabling them to become stronger suppliers.

This policy is consistent with our objective of becoming an industry leader in global diversity and inclusion. Promoting diverse suppliers fosters competition, enhances job creation, and generates additional purchasing power in the communities in which H-D Inc. does business.

Each functional leader is responsible for the adoption and implementation of this policy within their respective business units and functional areas.

It is the responsibility of every H-D Inc. employee who is delegated the responsibility to either directly or indirectly commit the expenditure of corporate funds for the purchase of goods and services, to ensure the meaningful participation of diverse businesses.

To further expand business opportunities and enhance continued economic growth we expect our strategic suppliers to adopt similar strategies of inclusion.

Overall company coordination is the responsibility of the Supplier Diversity Department however; our success is dependent upon the participation and commitment of all company employees.
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